Downloadable Flyers

5 Easy Steps: Getting Started Flyer

If you are looking for that basics of war tax resistance without having to read a book, you have found it with this flyer. This brief guide is written for who file and usually owe or pay some federal income tax. We have pamphlets on the website for people who plan on living below the taxable income limit or plan on refusing nonfiling/noncooperation with the IRS.

The five steps on this flyer include: (1) refusal options, (2) federal income tax withholding adjustments, (3) filing as a war tax resister, (4) redirecting taxes, and (5) consequences for war tax resistance.

W-4 Resistance Info Flyer

Your Paycheck to the Pentagon Pipeline
Controlling Federal Income Tax Withholding with W-4 Resistance

Note: The IRS released a new withholding form in 2020 to adjust for the tax overhaul legislation passed at the end of 2017. If you have previously practiced W-4 withholding, you will find the new form very different. Use our formula on this flyer, or in Practical #1: Controlling Federal Income Tax Withholding, to see if your withholding is at a level that works for your resistance style; if not, you can change your W-4 anytime.

Hiroshima-Nagasaki Days

war tax resistance flyer for August 6-9 These flyers are designed for leafleting at events marking the August 6–9 anniversary of the atomic bombings of Japan (or anytime you choose).

“End the Nuclear Nightmare” (PDF)Never Again flyer Hiroshima Nagasaki
Download and print this 8 1/2 x 11 one-sided flyer for events in your community.

“Never Again” (PDF)
Half-sheet flyer, designed to be copied back to back and cut in half for 2 flyers per sheet.

Add your group’s name in the local contact box before copying.

What If You…

protest police brutality, fight mass incarceration, work for a world without borders…. 

What if you work against oppression This popular, downloadable flyer draws together reasons to protest federal tax money spent on oppression at home with militarism and endless wars and  connects readers to resources for more information on protesting with their money.

One-sided, black and white letter-size flyers.
Download and print the PDF

What if… work for animal rights, to save the environment, for affordable housing….

“What If” flyers in color…. and worry about what your federal taxes are doing — or not doing. This flyer connects each issue to resources to help you refuse to pay for what you don’t believe.

Two-sided color flyer, cut to make 3 per sheet. (PDF)

Black and white, one-sided letter-size outreach version. (PDF)

Peace Tax Return

Anyone can use the Peace Tax Return to protest military spending or to report their resistance. The flyer is designed to roughly resemble a tax form. Download the PDF or see our store to order brochure-style copies.

Who should use this form?

  • people who want to register a protest against paying taxes for war
  • people who refuse to pay some or all of their federal taxes because they are spent on war

This is a two-page PDF, with instructions on a letter-size page and the form itself, page 2, is legal size. This is not an official IRS form. Download the PDF

Divest from War, Invest in People – English/Español
¡No a la inversión en la guerra¡  ¡Invertir en la gente!

Divest from War Spanish-EnglishDivest from War English-Spanish2-sided flyer with English text on one side and Spanish text on the other.

2 styles posted, one with a grey background.

Click on the images to see the 2-page PDF. Download, print, hand out!

Anarchists and War Tax Resistance

anarchism and wtr flyer.inddDownload the PDF and copy it back-to-back for a half-sheet flyer you can hand out in your community.

Click here for a web page that contains the text of the flyer and links to other sources.

For more information, watch A Peace of Anarchy: Ammon Hennacy and Other Angelic Troublemakers. It includes a segment on war tax resistance starting at about the 16 minute mark.

Environment, Taxes, and War

earth card.inddOutreach material concerning how the war budget helps to drive climate change and otherwise wrecks the environment.


Stages of Conscientious Objection to Military Taxes

Stages of Conscientious Objection to Military Taxes
A 4-page outline that helps readers think through following their consciences. Written by Quaker war tax resisters at Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, “Stages” covers the options regarding military taxation and choice. (PDF)

Your Money or Your Life

War: Your money? Your life? or neither?Flyer for students and young adults making the connection between military recruiting and tax paying for war and ideas and links for making choices. (PDF)

4-up slips for leafletting

Are you mad as hell about paying for war? Join thousands of people who resist war taxes!“Are you mad as hell about paying for war?” and “What if they gave a war and nobody paid?” (PDF)